Image of students engaged in a circle activity hosted by Zymbolic

“Zymbolic LLC, established and directed by two incredibly dynamic social enterprise professionals, Myles Asuelo and José Cruz Jauregui, provides support, guidance and a dedicated pathway for true personal development.”

- Lori Perenon, Educator for Over 20 Years


Zymbolic By The Numbers:

  • Provided Professional Development to hundreds of educators throughout California school districts

  • Piloted the first Restorative Justice (RJ) program in a military school in 2017

  • Facilitated over 500 interactive sessions for students in schools and community based organizations

  • Supported Thousands of Students across California


We support students and train educators

Photo of Cruz Jauregui

Cruz Jauregui


Photo of Myles Asuelo

Myles Asuelo


Hi, Cruz and Myles here. We are both first-generation business owners and founders of Zymbolic. We support students and educators across California with empowering lifeskills and training, and are excited to partner with more schools and organizations in the coming years.


We Help Students...

Image of two students during a Zymbolic activity

Connect and Build Trust

We bring Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) to life for our students through high-energy games, community-building circles, and interactive role-playing activities. They learn to express themselves, listen deeply, and make each other feel heard. These fundamental practices help them build strong relationships based on trust.

Image of Myles and a student in a Zymbolic activity

Communicate Clearly

We teach students and educators how to master the art of communication. They learn to open up conversations, engage in healthy dialogue, and read body language. They collaborate with their peers to create a sense of belonging in the learning environment.

Image of a student finding out she got accepted to attend a college she applied to.

Move to Reach Milestones

It’s been said that the first step to transforming the world is to transform yourself. We give our students evidence-based tools to master their mindset, manage stress, and deepen focus. These skills empower them to positively impact their mental health and assert their agency.

Image of a brain with gear symbols

Activate a Growth Mindset

We create a safe and fun space for students to improve their communication skills. Each of our interactive sessions is an opportunity for students to explore their curiosity, discover their identity, and tap into their imagination. We encourage them to experiment, make mistakes, and grow.

Image of Myles in discussion with a student during a Zymbolic activity

Build a Network of Opportunity

We teach our students how their favorite artists, athletes, and entrepreneurs rely on a strong web of relationships to achieve success. We give them strategies to invest in their social networks so they can create opportunities in school, in the community, and in their work.